Oncology is the study, diagnosis and treatment of cancerous tumours. While the word "cancer" still instils fear in the minds of the population at large and is still widely regarded as one of the most dreaded diseases of our era, associated with feelings of fear and hopelessness in the newly diagnosed, ABJ aims to provide hope through world-class treatment.
ABJ takes a multidisciplinary approach to cancer treatment, offering a range of treatment options.
Vision, Mission and Core values
Vision: To position ABJ as the leading oncology group in Gauteng and the Northwest Province, by providing the best possible Oncology care.
Mission: We Celebrate Opportunities for New Life by providing advanced, evidence-based cancer treatments through exceptional oncology specialists and a multi-disciplinary team that will take your hand in this journey with professionalism, compassion and understanding.
Core Values:
- Compassionate Care
- Gentleness
- Kindness
- Respect
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Conduct of Clinical Research
All our research is conducted in accordance with ICH (International Committee for Harmonisation) and GCP (Good Clinical Practice) guidelines. These are international guidelines, which rigorously govern the conduct of clinical research and ensure the delivery of the highest quality of patient care.
Compliance with these global standards provides the public with the assurance that the rights, safety and wellbeing of our patients are protected and are consistent with the principles that have their origin in the Declaration of Helsinki.
This added facet of our practice helps to ensure that the standard of care delivered to our patients is comparable to that of the finest cancer institutions in the world.
Our oncologists have specialised in all types of chemo- and radiotherapy and are best positioned to prescribe the best treatment for you. Many of the doctors also super specialise in branches of oncology, including haematological oncology, conformal radiation, brachytherapy, neuro-radiosurgery, immunotherapy, and a wide range of treatments including the latest global remedies and leading techniques.
Each ABJ oncology centre has a team of oncologists, nurses and radiographers who will ensure that you receive the most effective treatment. Our support services also include dieticians, alternative therapists, counsellors, and social workers - at no cost to you but who will inevitably play a fundamental role in your overall treatment plan.
The symbolism of using a Butterfly in our logo
The butterfly is a symbol of transformation because of its remarkable process of metamorphosis. Change and transformation are inevitable for all, but it does not have to be traumatic. All people who are touched by cancer, be it directly or indirectly can recognize this journey.
Butterflies represent rebirth and a new beginning. This, we believe, is what our vision for each patient is, to triumph over cancer, no matter what the odds.
In ancient mythology, the butterfly stands for wisdom and everlasting knowledge. Wisdom, we can only pray for daily; to be the best we can be for our patients.
Around the world, people view the butterfly as representing endurance, change, hope, and life – characteristics that are crucial to everyone in our practice – our staff, patients and their families alike.
However, all change is good - even if it may not seem so at the time. The butterfly unquestioningly embraces the changes in their environment and their bodies. Change is what life is made of, and it is necessary to grow and learn.
This unwavering acceptance of the butterfly’s metamorphosis is also symbolic of faith. The butterfly beckons us to keep our faith as we undergo transitions in our lives.
We see this same unwavering courage in our patients' journeys. Life-changing to such an extreme, they too are unrecognizable at the end of the transformation and often emerges as spectacular as the beautiful butterfly, a complete metamorphosis.
In certain cultures, the butterfly is also considered to bring luck. We have the skill, the knowledge and the experience; our patients have the courage, it can’t hurt to have a little luck in their favour too!
At our journey's end, we are inevitably transformed - not at all the same as when we started, but rather better and stronger for it